Equinox Greetings from San Diego.
Night-fragrant orchids like Neofinetia (Vanda) falcata make excellent moon viewing company, as do the neighborhood bats. I've been lucky to see barn owls fly across it and great horned owls backlit by it as well.
Speaking of night-fragrant orchids, this Brassavola cucullata flower has a crab spider in it. This is a pretty frequent occurrence for me (not 100% on the species of spider yet). They must have some success catching insects attempting to pollinate it. I’ve read some rather unflattering descriptions of its fragrance, but I’m a fan of citrusy everything. This plant is now an old friend I acquired in person at Miller’s Tropicals of Texas more years ago than I care to contemplate.
A great horned owl “eye” peeks over the mountains.