The Cedros Island bush snapdragon (Gambelia juncea) being worked by this Anna’s hummingbird (Calypte anna) in our backyard is native to nearby Baja, California, Mexico. Hummingbird flight is truly remarkable and you can read about it here if you’re interested.
bird photography
Acorn Woodpecker with starling flight
European starlings aren’t native to this country, but I appreciate them anyway. Their beautiful murmurations are grand enough to make the news at times. This photograph captured a more subtle flight. At the far left you can see an acorn woodpecker watching them jockeying for position among the branches of a California sycamore filled with woodpecker nest cavities.
Bromeliad visitor
The flower features of this Tillandsia ionantha’s blossoms were a giveaway to me that one or more of the resident hummingbirds would visit it if I waited and watched. This male Anna’s (Calypte anna) didn’t disappoint.