Winston Smith invited fellow artists to make work inspired by his classic bat logo for the Bat Show Redux at Studio Fallout in San Francisco. I riffed on it and my experience watching flying foxes in Australia to create this mixed media painting. The original is spoken for, but prints on a wide variety of surfaces can be purchased by clicking on the image of the artwork below.
Going to the show gave me the chance to return to some of my favorite spots in the area. Everyone at the gallery was kind and welcoming, but I’m most content outdoors with my camera looking for wildlife and beautiful scenery.
tule elk herd (Cervus canadensis ssp. nannodes) at Tule Elk State Natural Reserve
a female Anna’s hummingbird (Calypte anna) visiting an Aloe arborescens(?) inflorescence at the San Francisco Botanical Garden
a mated pair of great horned owls (Bubo virginianus) duetting in Golden Gate Park
harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) at J V Fitzgerald Marine Reserve
I’m unsure of what banana slug species this is. I spotted three of them at J V Fitzgerald Marine Reserve which is the first place I ever saw one. I named my phone Banana Slug due to the color of its protective case.
Monterey cypress tunnel near sunset (Hesperocyparis macrocarpa) at J V Fitzgerald Marine Reserve