I could have fed and petted "Jasper," as the Catalina Island Company employees called him. I didn't and it wasn't because he was being treated for a nasty case of fleas by biologists. The more accustomed island foxes become to hanging around us for snacks, the more likely they are to come into contact with our vehicles and pets. This often ends poorly for the foxes.
Watcha got?!
No, you may not have anything he’s having.
Catalina ground squirrels and a pair of common ravens both helped themselves to what was left of other animals’ breakfasts.
A common raven was eying a piece of bread that was shared tenderly with their mate.
Hello again!
Good, you’re foraging at least somewhat away from the lodge.
This warry fox didn’t want to be watched and made haste.
The Catalina Island quail have good reason to be alert.
The aloof fox trotted up the hill with at least two quail hatchlings and disappeared into the vegetation, perhaps to feed a young family of their own.
I’ll never forget meeting you. I hope you live a long and healthy life.
Through the curtains toward Catalina Harbor at twilight