Desert Night with California Fan Palm
Southern Maritime Chaparral with Torrey Pines and Coastal Fog
Wave Skimmers (California Brown Pelicans)
Inflorescence (Nolina parryi)
Rollers off of Torrey Pines State Beach
Follow the Trees (Monterey Cypress Tunnel at J V Fitzgerald Marine Reserve)
Dolphin Flight
Palomar Mist
Wake Rider (Eastern Pacific Long-beaked Common Dolphin)
Datura II
Before the Fire (Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve Extension)
Stampede (Short-Beaked Common Dolphins off of San Diego)
Coulter's Matilija Poppy
Aurora Over Southern California
Nearest Star with Palm Fronds
Spines and Satin (Astrophytum ornatum)
Fūkiran Moon
Portal with Barn Owl
Sage by Moonrise
Tepals and Spines (Mammillaria parkinsonii variety brevispina)
Phainopepla at Sundown
Arching Pine (Pinus radiata at Asilomar)
Hummingbird with Bird of Paradise and Moonrise
Anna's Hummingbird with Agave shawii Inflorescence
Stygian Glow
Disa Radiance
Gentle Giant (Blue Whale)
Salutation (Dudleya pulverulenta)
To the Waves (Green Sea Turtle Tracks)
Kingcup Cactus (Echinocereus triglochidiatus)
Golden Afternoon (Eschscholzia californica var. maritima)
Strawberry Hedgehog Cactus (Echinocereus engelmannii var. engelmannii)
Blue Dicks (Dipterostemon capitatus ssp. capitatus)
Blacktip Reef Shark (Carcharhinus melanopterus)
San Miguel Island Fox with Giant Coreopsis
Menzies' Wallflower (Erysimum menziesii)
Big Sur Morning
Ferocactus townsendianus
You're So Special (Mylar Balloons at Sea)
Desert Dancer (Yucca brevifolia in Joshua Tree National Park)
Torrey Pine
Torrey Sandstone
California Poppy
Vernal Pool
California Gold (Giant Kelp Forest)
Preflight (Great Horned Owl)
Angraecum sororium
Ocotillo Rays
Sandhill Cranes
Eccentric Sand Dollar
Fringed Linanthus (Linanthus dianthiflorus)
Yosemite Falls
Multi-use Trail
Queen of the Night (Epiphyllum oxypetalum)
Acorn Woodpecker with Starling Flight
Comet over Black Mountain
Arizona Rainbow Cactus (Echinocereus rigidissimus)
Torrey Pines Flow
Live Oak at Ramona Grasslands Preserve
Pacific Harbor Seal with Single-use Plastic
Pelicans and Crescent Moon
Border Gulls
Watcher in the Woods (Long-eared Owl)
Riparian Fog at Dawn
Jewel of the Bog (Platanthera ciliaris)
Painted Cave
Chamise Roots
Riparian Forest at Sunset
Cache of Acorns
Desert Trance
Coreopsis gigantea (Giant Coreopsis)
Sea Foam and Gull
Joshua Tree
Gray Whale Skull
Yucca Strands
Crows and Moonrise
Sunrise with Coastal Fog
Coastal Fog
Oak Sentinel with Coastal Fog
Curl III
Incoming Fog at Sunset
Beneath the Oaks
Sakasa Fuji
Sonoran Spires (Organ Pipe Cactus)
Hanami (Cherry Blossom Viewing)
Great Horned Owl with Winter Moon